Seriously though, do you ever have those days on the water where nothing goes right? Well we had one today and couldn't have picked a worse time for it.
We arrived at the ramp and a thunderstorm was coming through. We waited it out and took off right on time. We headed to our starting spot which was on the far side of cross. We were fishing a point when the clouds started to look dark again. I had just taken my raincoat off and decided to put it back on in case it started raining again. The clouds were dark but nothing crazy. All of the sudden there was a loud Crack! A lightning bolt exploded somewhere close by. It scared the crap out of us. I almost dropped my rod in the water. It was strange because it wasn't even raining and the sky wasn't that dark. We thought about leaving but the weather was coming towards us and there was nowhere to go since we were on the far side of the lake. We just had to stay close to shore and ride it out. After taking a minute to calm down with what seemed like no immediate threat, we continued fishing. Less than a minute later there was another loud Crack! But closer this time. My immediate reaction was to duck so I didn't really see it but I saw it out of the corner of my eye as I was hunched over. It was really close and we felt it go through our bodies from our feet out through our hands. Like a super strong static shock. It was insane! It must have hit the water close by and came up through the boat and out our bodies. It scared the crap out of us and set the tone for the day. We waited for at least 20 minutes before we started fishing again and even then we were keeping our rods down.
There's not much to say about the fishing. We got 4 keeper bites all day! We threw everything we had at them. Moving baits, deadsticking, shallow, deep, and everything in between, you name it, but they weren't having it.
We ended up with four fish for 5.77 lbs. But we weren't last!

In hindsight we should have ran over there since we only had two fish by 10am. I wish I had more time to check the river because I had a feeling it would be good. And sure enough the top two finishers were fishing the river. Both lakes have very little structure and no weedlines so even if the river had a little current it would be something. I wish I had more time to practice for such a big event especially since I've never fished there before.
It was a disappointing end to a disappointing season. I think the biggest factor was I over extended fishing two tournament circuits and not having as much time needed for practice. Most I'd these guys fish these lakes every year so that means we should put in even more time to dial them in. Oh well, I'm not going to cry about it, I'm going fishing!
Congrats to the winners who kicked our butts all season long!
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